On Becoming a Mother
Growing up, I always knew I wanted a family—a BIG family. 100 kids to be exact. Now, I know what you’re thinking because I now think so too…“That’s insane!” In a way, I’ve had that many and more as I’ve had the privilege in working in education for 10 years. However, managing 30+ teenagers at a time is NOT the same as trying to juggle a newborn, a very independent toddler, and a pre-teen that has to be re-introduced to household norms every other weekend. It’s quite the opposite. Some days it feels like I’m the ring leader of a circus, others I feel like I’m someone trying to corral feral cats, and on the rare occasion I feel like myself—whatever that means at any given time.
I thought when I became a mother I would let it consume me and I would be content with that. Coming from a traditional and religious household, I thought that becoming a mother meant I would find myself in that role and that it was the only thing that would define me. As much as I love being a mama, it’s not the only thing that I am, nor is it the only thing that I want to be. As I’ve gotten older and stepped deeper into this role, the more I’ve realized the importance of the parallels of growing into being a mother and growing into being me, an individual, as well as the intersection of the two.